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Re: Dry mouth

Re: Dry mouth2011-07-21T23:57:15+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Side Effects General Dry mouth Re: Dry mouth


Post count: 14413

First thing my DO told me to do was to determine my total daily hydration rate. This is the total minimal amount of water I need per day to fully function. This is determined by your body weight. Take your total body weight and divide it by two. That number tells you how much water your body need to just function. Example follows: a person weights 200 pounds, divide 200 by 2 and the answer you get is 100, this means you need to consume a minimum of 100 ounces of water throughout the day. If you use the metric system just look-up the information you need on a metric conversion chart. Now remember we are talking about pure water not fruit juices, fruit drinks, orange or lime or lemonades, sodas, coffees, teas which contain tannic acid which is very astringent or herbal teas that contain astringent herbs and the like.

Also stop consuming alcohol and caffeine. Also any mouth cleanser (toothpaste) that contains sodium lauryl sulfate or SLS or mouthwashes that contain alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. These are all classified as astringent to your mouth and dry it out. Also avoid salty and sugary foods they tend to dry out your mouth. Get some natural mouth cleansers that do not contain any of these things. The local Veggie-Nut store can steer you in the right direction

This helped in lessening my dry mouth problems. It did not totally eliminate the problem but it helped it a lot. I use diabetes drugs, muscle relaxants, blood pressure drugs and Adderall. Heck of a combo of drugs, hey!

Good Luck Now we are all in this together!
