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Re: Emailing directly to other totallyadd members

Re: Emailing directly to other totallyadd members2011-10-31T22:27:04+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Emailing directly to other totallyadd members Re: Emailing directly to other totallyadd members


Post count: 15

Gary … Oy vey! Ixnay on the duesnay! Let us, ever so gently, encourage the TotallyADD folks to enhance the capability of the site with suble suggestions of !!!! WILDLY INCREASED !!!! traffic to their site. Hmm, guess I need to work on that subtlety thing. I’ll put that on my to do list.

Folks who research ADD get their information from the folks who have ADD. Let’s cut out the middle man and talk to each other. Not that there isn’t a legitimate role for those that have it Piled higher and Deeper, there is also much to be said for going directly to the source, us.

And golly gee whiz, think of the material that would be available for a BEST SELLING BOOK if Dr. J or Hallowell moderated the discussions a couple times a week. That could even take the place of dues! Naturally, properly executed releases supported by adequate consideration would be necessary for all, perhaps with more than adequate consideration for the brilliantly creative person who had the initial idea.

(Too subtle?)