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Re: Emotional Torment Over Seeking a Real Diagnosis

Re: Emotional Torment Over Seeking a Real Diagnosis2012-07-11T18:16:21+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! No One Believes Me Emotional Torment Over Seeking a Real Diagnosis Re: Emotional Torment Over Seeking a Real Diagnosis


Post count: 929

Wow -Munch!

You sayd it best girl!.

I just read this thread again, and now I’m feel extremely grateful for folks lak you, and billd, Robert, Layrynxa, I could name at least 7 more, but I don’t want to murder the spellin of their name. Or mame the smelling of the same….

I feel a lil sad about No dopamine needing to leave, but I bet she took some n compassion with her. And left some of hers here, huh? In the future I bet they let us do private messages and start friendships. There’s totally safe and smart ways to let us do that. It’s a bummer when cool folks stop coming here. We shouldn’t feel stuck here because it’s the only way to keep in touch though…

If you’re new here, I posted on this thread just to bring it back up for you to read. What a loooonng Strange Trip it’s beeeeeeen….. do da dooo dooo, da doo doo da doo da do do do do… :-)

Love n peace you guys.

Robb oh!
