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Re: Examples of inattentativeness

Re: Examples of inattentativeness2011-05-26T15:00:15+00:00

Post count: 14413

I have the same problem in conversations. My mom & I used to interrupt each other all the time because if we didn’t, we’d forget what we were going to say. I drive my husband crazy with the same behaviour. Somehow he can remember what he wants to say but I can’t.

At one of my ADHD consultations with my husband, I got told to stop and pay attention to what my husband was saying, to look him in the eye, because I completely butted in with something else I wanted to say. The psychiatrist said “do you know what he said?” and I couldn’t tell him.

I have to go to the doctor’s with a list (which makes her roll her eyes because she thinks I am coming with lots of problems) but the list helps me stay on track and on topic. Otherwise she says “what’s up?” and I ramble on about everything BUT what I booked the appointment for, get home and kick myself for not asking what I meant to ask.