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Re: Excitement + Lack of Memory = Stranded on a desert Island

Re: Excitement + Lack of Memory = Stranded on a desert Island2010-04-28T22:26:02+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey My Story Excitement + Lack of Memory = Stranded on a desert Island Re: Excitement + Lack of Memory = Stranded on a desert Island


Post count: 14413

Veronica’s right–but it’s different with a spouse than a roommate or office mate. Naturally we seek validation from family and we shouldn’t stop. So in that case, like Veronica said, we need to work on ourselves and how we approach them. Maybe be a little more sensitive and observant before we barge in on them. As for the rest of the world–screw ’em! (kidding!)

When we’re “in the zone” we get so happy and excited about stuff that we naturally want to share it. One thing I’ve noticed from reading this forum is that A LOT OF US are really HAPPY PEOPLE! We can’t afford to risk losing that, and we need to remember that some of us already have self-esteem issues going back several years. We have to protect ourselves.