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Re: Excitement + Lack of Memory = Stranded on a desert Island

Re: Excitement + Lack of Memory = Stranded on a desert Island2010-04-28T19:07:43+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey My Story Excitement + Lack of Memory = Stranded on a desert Island Re: Excitement + Lack of Memory = Stranded on a desert Island


Post count: 14413

Dude! That clip about the strange uncle is AWESOME! I wanna see that movie!

Anyway–here’s what you gotta do. It won’t be easy. QUIT LOOKING TO OTHER PEOPLE FOR VALIDATION.

You’re good. You’re probably better than the people (Joe) that you want to show things to. It’s likely that many of these people even resent you for it. So naturally, they’re going misinterpret your actions as “Matt’s showing off again.”

Clearly, you’re not intentionally doing that. The little people just don’t get it. You’ll be lucky in life if you can find three people who do “get it.” So don’t waste your time or risk your sense of well-being on those who obviously don’t “get it.”

That’s a really cool site. I’m gonna poke around there if you don’t mind…