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Re: Experience with Instant Release Meds

Re: Experience with Instant Release Meds2010-11-12T06:34:07+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Experience with Instant Release Meds Re: Experience with Instant Release Meds


Post count: 13

I’m trialing meds right now with a psychiatrist. Firstly I took short acting Ritalin (actually the generic version methylphenidate) twice daily. Took me a few attempts to set a therapeutic dose that suits me. Once I got that bit sorted the benefit was I could more or less predict when I was going to be at my best in terms of calm and focus. Same thing with the short acting Dex, the difference being i do not get the same calm with Dex but it helps me be more action orientated – I get things done at work!

I’m now trialing sustained release methylphenidate (the generics) I’m really not sure they are much an improvement over the short acting version. Next up is the Dex spansules, which are sustained release. Then I have to make a decision about how meds fit into the overall treatment plan. I have not been introduced to Concerta or other brands as yet, so cannot comment on those. Good luck