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Re: (Extremely long post) Overwhelmed, probably a rant of my entire life

Re: (Extremely long post) Overwhelmed, probably a rant of my entire life2012-09-21T14:27:53+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Other (Extremely long post) Overwhelmed, probably a rant of my entire life Re: (Extremely long post) Overwhelmed, probably a rant of my entire life


Post count: 303

Oh, one thing she did was gave me a pamphlet that’s also on-line:


Long, but it is actually quite easy to read. Just looks long.

There’s a part about acknowledging that a certain percent of projects and relationships will fall through. Not sure why we hold ourselves to higher expectations than others do. Maybe because we have screwed up so much that we think everything is the ADHD, or whatever, and we don’t know what is that, and what is just real life sucking muchly? Make sense?