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Re: Fairytale to Heart Broken

Re: Fairytale to Heart Broken2010-12-07T04:20:25+00:00

The Forums Forums For The Non-ADD Relationships Fairytale to Heart Broken Re: Fairytale to Heart Broken


Post count: 14413

I have been married to a wonderful man for almost 20 years. Maybe I should say he’s been tolerating me for the same length of time. My son was (officially) diagnosed with ADD almost a year ago. As he was going through his testing and I was reading through the questionnaires I realized THIS IS ME!! My whole life literally passed before my eyes and at that moment I knew….I was not depressed, I had ADD!!! I was diagnosed 6 months ago.

My husband is one of those who does not get it….not with my son or with me. I am currently taking medication and it helps tremendously, but I am still trying to find myself and keep him happy at the same time. It just seems like everything I do is wrong and when I tell him how I feel….well, “That’s your problem!”. There are days when he treats me great but if I have a bad or forgetful day he acts like I’m one of the kids. He’s not very patient with my ADD son either. I realize that he cannot control many of his behaviors when the Concerta has worn off for the day. My husband does not get it! I know I haven’t been the easiest person in the world to live with but

I honestly try to keep the house clean, not forget things or dates, etc. Even on medication, I still feel like a failure as a wife and mother. I am trying to get control of myself, my house and my life in general. I get so excited when I complete something and I want my husband to share in my excitement but most of the time he acts like he could care less. Maybe all the years of tolerating me and my behavior have numbed him and maybe there is no hope. I want him to understand that the things I do or don’t do are not done to irritate him or make his life miserable. I am always apologizing for everything. I don’t know how to make him understand. I am to the point that I don’t talk anymore because everything I say seems to be wrong. I could go on and on….. Anybody know how I feel?