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Re: fed up with trying to cope with ADHD, Anxiety Depression and an Aneurism

Re: fed up with trying to cope with ADHD, Anxiety Depression and an Aneurism2012-03-03T04:26:23+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Stuck in Regret/Anger fed up with trying to cope with ADHD, Anxiety Depression and an Aneurism Re: fed up with trying to cope with ADHD, Anxiety Depression and an Aneurism


Post count: 14413

thankyou Jim .. will see if i can set up skype and ask the vancouver guys.

as near as i can tell, have exhausted Van Island .. there is an old. old site but no sigh of humans

wondering if the oft spammed “on-line- companions” would coach as well ? hot phone consult/insult ..

we could become rich .. rich .. ah well at least better than wallowing .
