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Re: Finally…

Re: Finally…2011-06-15T03:40:28+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey My Story Finally… Re: Finally…


Post count: 14413

I’m glad that you now realize that there has been a reason for some of the issues and problems that you’ve been dealing with for the last 52 years. It’s good to know that you weren’t intentionally doing some of these things that have perhaps been driving you or others crazy.

Just remember that although we don’t stigmatize diabetics for being diabetic, we don’t applaud them if they ignore trying to keep their blood sugar levels/insulin levels under control.

Likewise, knowing we have issues is a bonus for us! Once we’re aware of some of the reasons we are always ‘messing up’ on things at work or in our home life, we’re supposed to try to do something about it.

I’m not saying that we have to go crazy and try to make ourselves perfect but we can’t just ignore problems once we’re aware of them. I look at knowing I have ADHD as empowering. Now I’ve got the power to make some changes for the good in my life. I’ll still have problems but doesn’t everybody? I think a lot of us are guilty of feeling ‘poor old me’ when in fact, everybody has something they are dealing with but often times, we’re just unaware of the ‘burdens’ they are carrying around.

I don’t often tell people I have ADD/ADHD. It’s not really there buisness and usually they have a very poor understanding of what it is all about. (SOMETIMES, I give people the spiel to better inform them but that is on a case by case situation.)

I use my knowledge of ADHD and its effects to empower me so that I might take better actions. I don’t use my ADHD as a reason I can’t, I won’t be able to, will not succeed, might have problems, better not get involved, ….. you can see what I’m getting at. I’m responsible for me and for ALL of my actions. My ADHD is nothing to be angry about. It’s just part of me.

It’s probably prevented me from achieving a lot of the things I had dreamed about doing and goals that I had for my life but, hey! Life isn’t over for me yet! I’m still planning on accomplishing some great things tomorrow!

You will not need to hide because you ARE NOT stupid, laxy or crazy. We’re just people who find it a bit harder to get merged safely into the fast lane without hitting every car we meet in the collectors! Ah, isn’t life grand??.