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Re: financial aid for ADHD?

Re: financial aid for ADHD?2012-08-13T05:47:42+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace College financial aid for ADHD? Re: financial aid for ADHD?


Post count: 5

LSA & billd (your first post)- DIDDO! my life..

been 2 several colleges but it soooooo much sucked. I;m a workaholic but not a school-aholic. I really would like to go back. I got a BA of Theo untill the school lost their accreditation. My whole class lost their degree. 4 Efing years spiralied down the toilet.

I love music so I would like to pursue musicianship/performance and recording/production but I’m SCARED, I admit it! It scares me! I can’t work and do school, it efffs me up!

I currently live in friends basement and I play music/concerts/shows for tips in coffeeshops/musicstores…

if any one was interested my music is here: http://www.reverbnation.com/justdavidmuzik

I would just really like to get a good music degree but $$$! (!@#$%^%^&*) i dont have it!

I need better coping skills for school, online classes might work but I’m not sure I can sit for them and big classes dont work for me I do best if its small group or 1on1…

I’m looking for local helps stuff…