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Re: Finding direction sucks when you don't have a compass

Re: Finding direction sucks when you don't have a compass2010-12-06T14:23:07+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace ADHD-Friendly Careers Finding direction sucks when you don't have a compass Re: Finding direction sucks when you don't have a compass


Post count: 14413

I recently said to a friend (and this makes me sound like a complete douchebag) “I wish I wasn’t so good at so many things.” Then went on to try o explain: What I really meant is that, of all the things I can do, I wish I could focus and give my full attention to just one. I am a writer by profession (and by default) because it’s one of the few things that straps me in my seat, and, my brain makes room for it when it feels like it. Also, I can carry my work around with me (not always a good thing). I’ve had some success with my books and great reviews, but can’t help but think how much better I could be if I REALLY sat down to it. I guess I’m lucky to have identified the the thing I’m best at and made a go of it (it only took 40 years) but often wonder if I might have been really good at something else – even though writing is my dream job.

I’m hoping to get some tools to concentrate my focus, and would listen to any advice. Like a lot of you, I probably could have fared better (ie., not become a dropout) if only someone had identified my ADD when I was a kid., or just helped identify my strengths and weaknesses.

What is the best how-to-focus book, advice, strategy, ANYTHING? I take the drugs, they help but structure would be a help too, if only I knew how…

Anybody out there take Wellbutrin?