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Re: Finding direction sucks when you don't have a compass

Re: Finding direction sucks when you don't have a compass2010-12-08T16:08:19+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace ADHD-Friendly Careers Finding direction sucks when you don't have a compass Re: Finding direction sucks when you don't have a compass


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For me I had an extremely difficult time keeping jobs. I know repetitions absolutely drive me crazy. I think the only reason why I am locked in my current job is because I need the money. I must bring my debt and spending under control. It is an extremely difficult goal for me to accomplish but I am discovering ways toward reaching this goal. I also know once I reach the finish line I will be out of there in a flash. :) I am training myself to focus on the details instead of jumping to the end. Working on details of the steps involve in order to reach an objective is a difficult task for me to accomplish. This type of skill require structure and organization. They are hard but I am confident I can do it.

I had come to realize I must start taking risks in order for me to move ahead. I had written down a list of short and long term goals. How will I reach them remain to be seen.