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Re: First 2 days on Concerta 18mg but NO difference at all. :(

Re: First 2 days on Concerta 18mg but NO difference at all. :(2010-12-08T02:23:16+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Concerta First 2 days on Concerta 18mg but NO difference at all. :( Re: First 2 days on Concerta 18mg but NO difference at all. :(


Post count: 14413

Thanks Reneelynne and Nimthiriel for your kind reply. I think Concerta is just Ritalin but it is a time released medicine. My little research tells me that instead of taking 6 mg Ritalin 3 times a day, you can take just one 18 mg Concerta (in morning) and it is released slowly over the period of 12 hours.

I did not feel any symptoms from Concerta either. I feel bit calm in terms of talking to people.