The Forums › Forums › Medication › Concerta › First 2 days on Concerta 18mg but NO difference at all. :(

December 8, 2010 at 1:02 am #88525
AnonymousInactiveDecember 8, 2010 at 1:02 amPost count: 14413First two days on 18mg Concerta, I have not noticed any difference. I do notice I am on something but my distractions are still the same. Still checking news and surfing internet and wasting time doing useless stuff. I should be really concentrating on my studies. Plus I noticed that I have been making same careless mistakes.
Does it take a while for brain to adjust or I should go higher dose?
REPORT ABUSEDecember 8, 2010 at 1:35 am #95327
AnonymousInactiveDecember 8, 2010 at 1:35 amPost count: 14413I felt a difference about 2 hours after I took my first 18mg dose of concerta….maybe you need a larger dose or a different medication… I am not a professional or anything, its just my opinion
REPORT ABUSEDecember 8, 2010 at 2:01 am #95328
AnonymousInactiveDecember 8, 2010 at 2:01 amPost count: 14413What exactly is Concerta? You may need a different stimulant. I’d recommend calling your doc.
REPORT ABUSEDecember 8, 2010 at 2:23 am #95329
AnonymousInactiveDecember 8, 2010 at 2:23 amPost count: 14413Thanks Reneelynne and Nimthiriel for your kind reply. I think Concerta is just Ritalin but it is a time released medicine. My little research tells me that instead of taking 6 mg Ritalin 3 times a day, you can take just one 18 mg Concerta (in morning) and it is released slowly over the period of 12 hours.
I did not feel any symptoms from Concerta either. I feel bit calm in terms of talking to people.
REPORT ABUSEDecember 8, 2010 at 2:43 am #95330>>Still checking news and surfing internet and wasting time doing useless stuff.<<
This is ‘normal’ for ADD, etc.? And I thought I was worthless and lazy….. I spend entire evenings doing that. Daily, all year.
OK, I’m seeing you toss the drug names around – I’d like to bone up on some of this stuff BEFORE talking to a doctor, as I like to know nearly as much as they do before going in It helps me to feel either like they know their stuff, or I should be getting a second opinion. I won’t self-medicate on drugs, not even OTC stuff, but still, I guess I don’t trust too many folks, including doctors after my bad experiences.
REPORT ABUSEDecember 8, 2010 at 3:26 am #95331Therock: I’m currently in a similar situation to you. My Doctor is trying me out on Concerta. I started at 18 mg, went to 27 mg, and today was given a prescription for 36mg.
Anyways, my Doctor told me not to be discouraged that the lower doses didn’t do much for me. After all this medication is used with children and adults, so the low doses have to be quite low. He said that if we get up to 54 mg and there is no improvement, then we’ll move on to something else.
REPORT ABUSEDecember 8, 2010 at 4:07 am #95332
AnonymousInactiveDecember 8, 2010 at 4:07 amPost count: 14413Thanks Ivriniel
. I am waiting for my appointment on Monday. I am practicing patience. While studying whole day, I got really mad at myself for making mistakes. Sometime I have to solve complex mathematical problems but it all comes down to me reading 6 as 9 or confusing z with 2. Part of it has to do with Dyslexia and Dysgraphia. Having so many severe problems, I do not know how I made it all the way to last year of Engineering school. I once had a fight with a professor because he gave me zero for copying the wrong number from question and my final answer was wrong. Two page solution was useless for him even though it was solved perfectly. I know my stuff very well. I even teach “normal” students some advance concepts but I can not do it on paper :p or practice.
I really wished someone had guided me earlier.
REPORT ABUSEDecember 8, 2010 at 5:02 pm #95333
AnonymousInactiveDecember 8, 2010 at 5:02 pmPost count: 14413Therock
Both my son and I take Ritalin(Methylphenadate HCL) 20 MG SR (Slow Release). My son use to take Concerta 36 MG but as he grew it had less of an effect for him. So his Doctor switched him to Ritalin and it is working for the past 4 months. He is 15 and growing which can account for changes in strenth that is needed.
REPORT ABUSEDecember 16, 2010 at 7:06 pm #95334
AnonymousInactiveDecember 16, 2010 at 7:06 pmPost count: 14413Therock: 18 mg of Concerta is a tiny dose. Two cups of coffee would do more for me. I do 72. How much do you weigh?
So I resisted Concerta forever. Seems foolish now. No exaggeration: It worked from the first day (and made me aware of what I was missing right away) and helped save my marriage and relieved reduced extreme frustration/ depression. The only side effects include a sort of self-consciousness (like I’m watching myself and monitoring my own affect a lot, and I talk a lot less — I experience this social aspect as negative, sort of, like sex when you are sober — better right? — but worse too). Also, I nibble by lower lip a lot. I dropped a ton of weight without any lifestyle change — I was already very active. From 250 to 215. My urine initially was dark, and the fat just burned. I also got dizzy three times the first month, almost fainted. No reoccurences in a year. If I forget and miss a day, it’s not that big a deal. I know because I am not able to start working or finish anything, I’m walking away from people as they are talking, or interrupting them, or being super larger than life — I say to myself, oh yeah, my old premedicated coping strategies. Better take Concerta. Oh, and I sleep great. My wife now talks about the old me vs. the new me. Hearing about the old me still makes me cringe. I did that? I didn’t mean to! The best thing to remember if you are starting is that you’ll know in a day or two — it will work or it won’t. It does wear off, though, by the evening. I have a tiny dose of Ritalin if focus is required. But I never seem to take it.
REPORT ABUSEDecember 16, 2010 at 8:19 pm #95335
AnonymousInactiveDecember 16, 2010 at 8:19 pmPost count: 14413My doctor started me on Concerta 18 as well. Felt very little and couldn’t even remember to take the pill daily (little too distracted in my mornings) Recently upped to 36 and getting some decent results, but still restless and kinda distracted. I am more aware of the behaviour now though so that’s a plus. I had some side effects like appetite loss and some constipation issues at first, but after two months, my body is now adjusting to that as well. all in all it has helped me so far, even though i may need a dosage increase.