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Re: First 2 days on Concerta 18mg but NO difference at all. :(

Re: First 2 days on Concerta 18mg but NO difference at all. :(2010-12-08T02:43:37+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Concerta First 2 days on Concerta 18mg but NO difference at all. :( Re: First 2 days on Concerta 18mg but NO difference at all. :(


Post count: 913

>>Still checking news and surfing internet and wasting time doing useless stuff.<<

This is ‘normal’ for ADD, etc.? And I thought I was worthless and lazy….. I spend entire evenings doing that. Daily, all year.

OK, I’m seeing you toss the drug names around – I’d like to bone up on some of this stuff BEFORE talking to a doctor, as I like to know nearly as much as they do before going in It helps me to feel either like they know their stuff, or I should be getting a second opinion. I won’t self-medicate on drugs, not even OTC stuff, but still, I guess I don’t trust too many folks, including doctors after my bad experiences.