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Re: First 2 days on Concerta 18mg but NO difference at all. :(

Re: First 2 days on Concerta 18mg but NO difference at all. :(2010-12-08T03:26:20+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Concerta First 2 days on Concerta 18mg but NO difference at all. :( Re: First 2 days on Concerta 18mg but NO difference at all. :(


Post count: 173

Therock: I’m currently in a similar situation to you. My Doctor is trying me out on Concerta. I started at 18 mg, went to 27 mg, and today was given a prescription for 36mg.

Anyways, my Doctor told me not to be discouraged that the lower doses didn’t do much for me. After all this medication is used with children and adults, so the low doses have to be quite low. He said that if we get up to 54 mg and there is no improvement, then we’ll move on to something else.