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Re: First 2 days on Concerta 18mg but NO difference at all. :(

Re: First 2 days on Concerta 18mg but NO difference at all. :(2010-12-08T04:07:18+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Concerta First 2 days on Concerta 18mg but NO difference at all. :( Re: First 2 days on Concerta 18mg but NO difference at all. :(


Post count: 14413

Thanks Ivriniel :). I am waiting for my appointment on Monday. I am practicing patience. While studying whole day, I got really mad at myself for making mistakes. Sometime I have to solve complex mathematical problems but it all comes down to me reading 6 as 9 or confusing z with 2. Part of it has to do with Dyslexia and Dysgraphia. Having so many severe problems, I do not know how I made it all the way to last year of Engineering school. I once had a fight with a professor because he gave me zero for copying the wrong number from question and my final answer was wrong. Two page solution was useless for him even though it was solved perfectly. I know my stuff very well. I even teach “normal” students some advance concepts but I can not do it on paper :p or practice.

I really wished someone had guided me earlier.