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Re: First Day taking any ADD medication–Concerta 18mg…

Re: First Day taking any ADD medication–Concerta 18mg…2011-01-26T03:15:47+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Concerta First Day taking any ADD medication–Concerta 18mg… Re: First Day taking any ADD medication–Concerta 18mg…


Post count: 28

Doc checked me out. Everything is fine. My blood pressure is good. It was much lower than is normal for me, I asked her to recheck it to be sure. Getting the pre-authorization on the med as this one is working. ‘Legal speed’ is also what the doc called it when talking to my GF. Doc also wanted to make sure I was sleeping ok. No issues unless I forget to take my melatonin, but that is no different than before.

No mood issues. I really do not feel the med ‘kick in’ like I did when taking pain meds for example. I just feel like the need to ‘get things done’ slowly builds and then fades without any real conscious awareness that is what is happening. On the other hand, my co-workers and friends sure know when I am taking it. One comment was, “What are you on and where can I get some?”