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Re: first time on adhd meds

Re: first time on adhd meds2011-07-15T19:47:10+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Ritalin first time on adhd meds Re: first time on adhd meds


Shadow Nexus
Post count: 181

I took it at around 3:45pm. It took about 30 mins to get to sleep, good for me. Only woke up two times during the night. My impulse control is better. No difference in my hyperactivity level. I’m less a zombie during the day. I took one this morning at 10:00am. I’m still getting use to the new level of awareness. I’m still being distracted by noise in the environment. It’s slightly less, but noticeable. Didn’t fall asleep during the mid afternoon movie with a friend. Didn’t interfere with my driving at all.