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Re: first time on adhd meds

Re: first time on adhd meds2011-07-15T21:01:38+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Ritalin first time on adhd meds Re: first time on adhd meds


Post count: 14413

I remember the first time I took meds, I sat down and knocked out a software design that had been rumbling around in my head for at least 5 years. I’d never been able to concentrate long enough to get it all out and kept starting and never finishing. Absolutely amazing stuff.

I couldn’t do traditional Ritalin though, short acting would send me on spikes and troughs throughout the day. Time release of Concerta was definitely a better solution for me though they don’t make the right size dosage for me. In my system 30mg only last 8 hours, 54mg last 2 hours too much so I’m always rotating and resetting my sleep schedule. If only they had a 45mg pill :)