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Re: Flossing… Does it drive you nuts?

Re: Flossing… Does it drive you nuts?2010-11-12T17:03:59+00:00

The Forums Forums Most X-treme! Is It Just Me? Flossing… Does it drive you nuts? Re: Flossing… Does it drive you nuts?


Patte Rosebank
Post count: 1517

Try using Glide floss. It’s a plastic tape, so it slides through a lot easier, especially if you have tightly packed teeth, and it doesn’t shred or make a scratchy noise. It’s also much gentler on the gums.

I find that, with my tightly packed teeth, if I don’t floss after every meal, I have stuff caught between my teeth that I can’t remove (even with brushing), and which is far more distracting and annoying to me than flossing.