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Re: frustration lonliness aggervation

Re: frustration lonliness aggervation2010-12-10T18:17:31+00:00

Post count: 14413

Holy shit I’m 36 and i’m on disability because i haven’t been able to hold on to a job but unlike you guys i also deal with anxiety disorder as well as adhd. i don’t want to be on disability forever so i keep trying to get back on the saddle. either with temp jobs or part time. i managed to do the census with little trouble. actually managed to survive as a security guard in the school system for two years because i had a great crew to work with. i got frustrated though because i couldn’t rise to anything else. i didn’t want to be a security guard all my life but i kept losing promotions due to politics which is ripe here in dade county. i also left because we lost some good disciplinarians and the kids slipped out of control and i was on the verge of a nervous breakdown and almost hit a kid so i walked away