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Re: GAMES! Goals?

Re: GAMES! Goals?2011-07-12T02:33:24+00:00

Post count: 596

Well the psychologist who did the ADD assessment mentioned the ADD and time issue. She actually had this thing where she would get me to guess when 10 minutes are up. Only did it once or twice with her but she suggested practicing that. The other thing she suggested I do was when estimating add in at least 40% error factor. I also bought a digital watch that has a timer function and I wear that all the time now. When I’m doing something I always set it at 10 minutes. It really has been helping me keep on track and notice how much time is passing.

Also since taking the Vyvanse it seems there’s so much more time in the day. Haven’t figured out why – if it’s that I’m getting more done efficiently and it’s leaving me more time in the day. Anyway, must say this is really a bonus! Always said they should make days longer :-)

oh, almost forgot the point of this post in the first place – managed to get the financial update goal underway this morning!