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Re: Girls

Re: Girls2011-03-13T15:34:51+00:00

Post count: 14413

@Filmbuff1984 — I’m on board with that. I’ve been in lots of counseling for many things (oh – fer fun 😥 ). When in counseling, for myself; I’ve found the best results are when I can relate to the person helping me. Consistently that has been when that person comes back with an example and knowledge that they too have been through something similar. Now – not to say that if you are in counseling for beating your wife, that this person should be saying to you, “well, when I stopped beating my wife I found that…”. In all seriousness, when I can relate to the counselor in some way, I get the help I need. So, when I PAY someone to help me in this way, I want or desire a prerequisite of book learning or some professional “proof” of purchase — AND real world wisdom. Sometimes that comes in the form of years of service in the individual giving them I hope some real world experience concerning the problem at hand. Wisdom comes in many forms I guess.