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Re: Good time management strategies (links)

Re: Good time management strategies (links)2011-12-23T17:47:16+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Time Management Good time management strategies (links) Re: Good time management strategies (links)


Post count: 14413

Cell phone alarms, I use Alarm Clock Xtreme Free for my droid. I can set my 5 alarms in the morning to get to work with different notification tones or songs, and can set each one to either graduallyy increase volume or full volume, whether to allow it to snooze or not and how long the snooze is for, whether that snooze is for a set # of minutes or decreases by 2 or 5 or 10 minutes each time, also whether it will snooze more than a set number of times and other variables. It’s a lifesaver!

At work, I use the office email (Outlook) to remind me to go to lunch and to go home. Another alarm at night to take my melatonin so I can fall asleep. But, by far, the cell phone app is the best thing in the world for me. Time Management is my biggest deficit.