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Re: Have I gotten a diagnose? At least im on my way.

Re: Have I gotten a diagnose? At least im on my way.2010-05-05T16:42:10+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! I Have a Diagnosis, Now What? Have I gotten a diagnose? At least im on my way. Re: Have I gotten a diagnose? At least im on my way.


Donna Jean
Post count: 14

I too am learning that I have always had ADD and now I have started medication, it has helped but there is so much info that the speed of my mind that usually goes 100 miles per hr, is now at 200 miles per hr. The medication has allowed me to focus enough to read and retain the information. I am halfway through “Delivered from Distraction” and I bought the book called “Scattered Minds” to read (my therapist told me to read it in 2007) when I finish the one I’m on now. I could never finish a book in my life before.