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Re: Have I gotten a diagnose? At least im on my way.

Re: Have I gotten a diagnose? At least im on my way.2010-05-06T18:14:56+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! I Have a Diagnosis, Now What? Have I gotten a diagnose? At least im on my way. Re: Have I gotten a diagnose? At least im on my way.


Post count: 14413

I haven’t been depressed a single time since figuring all of this out and educating myself about it.

I still obsess over conversations, meetings that didn’t go perfectly, or stuff I haven’t finished doing yet–but now I spend about 1/10th of the time doing it than I used to.

When bad memories from the past resurface–you know, the stuff that some of us tend to beat ourselves up about–I’m able to recognize the reasons for my own past behavior and reactions and bury it for good. I’m also sometimes able to figure out why other people reacted to me in the way they did. I’m not being haunted anymore.

It’s almost as if my inner-child is finally able to listen to my inner-adult. Or is it that my inner-parent finally knows the right thing to say?

Whatever it is, I’m happy again. But it’s not that manic euphoria. It’s a contentment that isn’t fleeting. I’m okay, just different.