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Re: Help!

Re: Help!2012-01-03T18:50:52+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Help! Re: Help!


Post count: 913

Oddly enough, few ADHD adults who take meds for it get addicted. ADHD can and often leads to addictions of all sorts, but I’ve not seen where it’s the meds prescribed for them that’s the issue – it’s usually alcohol, gambling, sex, etc.

I’m sure no addicted zombie at 40mg of adderall a day, and neither was my son. My then wife and I fully supported the use of drugs in his case to control it. We decided that weekends off the meds might be an ok idea, but quickly found he was a mess without. I only wish as he grew up, he’d have stayed “with the program” as when he stopped any medication or treatment, the troubles began. Sounds to his brother and I like maybe the doctors in whatever country he’s in now might have decided he needed meds as last time his brother spoke with him, he said that he sounded coherent, made sense, was logical, calm, and admitted his troubles were his own doing. WOW, that’s a total 180.

It’s often hard for parents to admit, or accept – as some have this thing that it’s a reflection on the parents or parenting, there’s still stigmas that go with these things, some believe it’s an admission of failure, whatever. And in some cases, it’s a realization that one or both of them might have passed this along………. it’s hard to swallow. In my case, my mother a few months ago simply said “I bet they are right, your son, myself, my father………..” she saw the pattern, admitted it, and said she might even have it. 100% supportive.

(BTW – I’m 54 and my father is 79, my mother is in her 70s as well, so when they were young………. you were simply odd)