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Re: Hi

Re: Hi2010-10-19T15:15:17+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! My Story Hi Re: Hi


Post count: 82

Hi Scattered!

Welcome to the family! I enjoy looking at everyone’s clever “nicknames” here and you have a great one.

TotallyADD recommends life strategies always and medicine (if needed).

My personal recommendation is, if you cannot afford the services of a life coach, check out these free websites for tips on organization and planning;

http://www.flylady.net has (self) “control journals” that help you plan daily routines, weekly routines, monthly routines, money management (the Financial Awareness Continually Empowers – FACE journal).

They even have a holiday control journal to help plan for the holidays so we are;

1. Not searching for the Christmas presents we put in a “safe” place,

2. Not wrapping gifts at 2am on the morning of the 25th,

3. Not buying a gift for nephew Jonathan or Aunt Agatha at Walgreens on the way to Christmas dinner

4. Not maxing out our credit cards with the resulting “sticker shock” in January.

http://www.behaviordoctor.org Dr. Riffel (a positive behavior support educator) has some http://www.blogtalkradio.com shows two about ADD with lists of great rewards. While this is geared more to children, I believe it still has value in understanding that with the proper motivation we can be successful.

Finally, Rick and Dr. J also recommend exercise to aid in focusing, and I agree. There’s a reason we have the phrase “Taking a walk to clear my head.” It really works.

Best wishes on your journey,