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Re: Hi, I'm new here and newly diagnosed: “Soar and Fail” So true!!!

Re: Hi, I'm new here and newly diagnosed: “Soar and Fail” So true!!!2010-12-08T13:31:55+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey My Story Hi, I'm new here and newly diagnosed: "Soar and Fail" So true!!! Re: Hi, I'm new here and newly diagnosed: “Soar and Fail” So true!!!


Post count: 913

Seems I have a lot more brothers and sisters than my parents told me about…………..

high IQ, hyperactive, impulsive, indecisive at the same time, bore easily, miss half of what someone says when they are standing right in front of me talking to my face (I drift off)

I’ve done a lot – I guess an over-acheiver. But is having 3 careers and what, 10 jobs since I was 16 a good thing? Not fired, I just kept “moving on”.

I miss the first 2 or 3 words of a sentence when somone starts to talk if I’m not directly paying attention. Example, someone in another room, they say “so and so told me today that there was a good sale at Home Depot on abcxyz”

I’m going to catch the sale part, and what the sale is on, and most likely, most of the time, where the sale is – but will miss WHO said it – because it takes a couple seconds for my brain to realize – hey, that’s directed at me, divert attention energies!

So I ask the person to just repeat the first 2 or 3 words.

Anyway……….. after all that – welcome to teh club..