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Re: Hi, I'm new here and newly diagnosed: “Soar and Fail” So true!!!

Re: Hi, I'm new here and newly diagnosed: “Soar and Fail” So true!!!2010-12-08T14:30:18+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey My Story Hi, I'm new here and newly diagnosed: "Soar and Fail" So true!!! Re: Hi, I'm new here and newly diagnosed: “Soar and Fail” So true!!!


Post count: 913

>>I am not what you might call a leadership type. Nor am I a follower. Frankly I don’t know who I am. At times I can be very creative and original but I also have crashes as well. It is hard to know where and who I can turn to for help and support any more.

Sorry about my ranting. I have a tendency of writing down my thoughts and feelings rather than acting them out. I had found writing is my outlet for my nature. What I couldn’t do is to put them into order and present them in such a manner so people would understand them is the ongoing challenge for me.


Yes, I have another sibling! ;-)

I don’t answer questions, I write books………..