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Re: Hi, I'm new here and newly diagnosed: “Soar and Fail” So true!!!

Re: Hi, I'm new here and newly diagnosed: “Soar and Fail” So true!!!2010-12-10T11:26:38+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey My Story Hi, I'm new here and newly diagnosed: "Soar and Fail" So true!!! Re: Hi, I'm new here and newly diagnosed: “Soar and Fail” So true!!!


Post count: 14413

Billd don’t appolize here I have rant on and on myself. I can’t belive how many people are just like me. Cognitive problems that is the one that gets me. I had a rough life and bad upbring my sisiter and I were the hyper ones and we would get into alot of trouble so you surpress.

And it did come out in bad ways when I left home., at the tender age of 14. It is rough but I didn’t know what was wrong with me and I thought it was just my sister with this add. Found out I had it also. About four years ago I decieded to try work again got fired or quite because I got pissed off. Lost every friend I made in the past four years. Before that I was a loner. So I fill my life with my grandchildren and I do art and I keep people at bay. I even had the garden club piss”ed of with me. I have lived in this small town of Chester I have more people who don’t like me than all my life of leaving home. But my grandkids love me. Sometimes I get down and I feel lonely but I keep going. I’m used of doing everything thing on my own. The meds have help me not lose my temper and get a bit more focus. Clamdigger

I decied to try and get my grade 12 so I found i’m disruptive in class the teacher I get side tracted all the time. So will I was out Sue the conceller called from the resource center. So I think I’m going to get a talking to, about misbehaving. in class. Well that is my life but I keep trying to find ways to deal with things.