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Re: Hi, I'm new here and newly diagnosed: “Soar and Fail” So true!!!

Re: Hi, I'm new here and newly diagnosed: “Soar and Fail” So true!!!2010-12-10T12:30:00+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey My Story Hi, I'm new here and newly diagnosed: "Soar and Fail" So true!!! Re: Hi, I'm new here and newly diagnosed: “Soar and Fail” So true!!!


Post count: 546

clamdiger,are you sure you didin’t have a younger brother ha ha. are story sounds almost the same. I think after time goes on making new friends gets harder and harder to do. I keep trying with not much sucsess. the problem seems to be reading what they are saying and thinking . I spend so much time interpeting things into things that I become my worsed enemy. so them after years ang years of this I am so insecure, I have become my worst enemy in my mind. I am a very happy go lucy until I think I here a negetive tone. it seems i get so defencive by getting loud and angry that i lose jobs freinds and people don’t want to even admit they know me so I have be come the dummy no one likes. Its funny under the work place thread and no one responded,my brain would run wild with that beating me up as we go. I know it does not mater and as long as I am com its ok well mybe I to open about my self but I think thats the only wayI can try to better myself. for me all I have is the future. just trying to make it better than the past.