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Re: Hi

Re: Hi2010-10-01T23:19:39+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! My Story Hi Re: Hi


Post count: 14413

Welcome. I am also new to this site and am very appriciative for all of the information

here. Our diagnosis’ are very similar. If I could offer you some advise. Make sure that

you stay strictly to the meds you are given. It is a bit funny that Drs. expect those

us with ADHD to be able to do anything on a regular schedule. LOL.

I have turned to my Blackberry alarm system to help me out. I set the reminder alarm

for just about everything I need to do. Take meds., make appts., make calls, feed the

animals, Hell. I even have to set alarms when I am cooking. LOL.

BUT, we are not freaks. We just have a little more to deal with. :D

Anyway, nice to “meet” you. I hope that you stay well.