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Re: Hitting the wall with Vyvanse.

Re: Hitting the wall with Vyvanse.2010-08-26T06:44:55+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Vyvanse Hitting the wall with Vyvanse. Re: Hitting the wall with Vyvanse.


Post count: 22

Hi. I was on adderall first, and then vyvanse. Stayed on vyvanse for about 6 months. I went off it because I was not thinking as clearly as I was on Adderall. I find adderall is better since I am more focused and think more clearly. I noticed that even though I was on 90 mg of vyvanse, it wasn’t really helping much. I do hit a wall with adderall, though and need to stay at around 40 mg. I’m on wellbutrin as well. Good luck! The bottom line I think is if a pill is working for you and you can stand the side effects, than stay on it.