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Re: How Bins Changed My Life

Re: How Bins Changed My Life2010-08-08T01:21:32+00:00

The Forums Forums For The Non-ADD It Runs In Families How Bins Changed My Life Re: How Bins Changed My Life


Post count: 14413

Hi All!

We had tons of books stuffed into every possible spare nook and crannie of the house, attic, bedroom, under stairs, etc.. not realizing just how many we had and never knowing what was where…. always hunting and hunting and hunting…

My house is tiny.

One day went into IKEA and BAM! There was the answer to everything right at the front of the store! The angels began to sing!

A display of floor to ceiling bookshelves that had transformed a corner (!) into a gentleman’s library and display area!

We did this at home (used glass doors to enclose so no dusting needed) and de-cluttered the house into one corner of a small back bedroom. This bedroom is 8 feet by 9 feet.

Used exactly the same bins as the display on the top shelves for memory boxes with small (loose) keepsake items. I just copied what was in the store, placed a curved chair in front and voila! It looks just like a gentleman’s reading area, taking up no room at all!

At the bottom behind the chair, I put Scrabble games, books with ratty covers and jars with loose change in them. Stuff you want to hide.

The middle of unit we used a narrow bookcase and stored all our CD’s and videos there.

IKEA was made for us!!!

All I did was copy their display.