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Re: How Bins Changed My Life

Re: How Bins Changed My Life2010-08-17T05:30:16+00:00

The Forums Forums For The Non-ADD It Runs In Families How Bins Changed My Life Re: How Bins Changed My Life


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Bins? Yes, they’re a great idea! Me, the ADHD mom, organized my son’s bedroom with bins many years ago to simplify his life. Toys were sorted into the appropriate categories and placed into separate bins. Clothing? Same thing! Socks in one, short sleeved shirts in another, long-sleeved in another, shorts/pants got separate bins, underwear, pj’s into others.

Did they work? Umm, not so much. He’s an adult now and still can’t handle any organization system for more than a day or two. The bins work great for me. I still use them!