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Re: How do you “see” words and numbers?

Re: How do you “see” words and numbers?2011-01-22T08:55:19+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? Odd Symptoms/Behaviours/Signs How do you "see" words and numbers? Re: How do you “see” words and numbers?


Post count: 14413

Wow this is really cool stuff!

It just dawned on me Nellie I could envision your concept of numbers. I am slowly starting to like math. In a sense it is like falling in love with someone you hated in high school when you meet up in college. (I know that sounds weird but that is the best way I can communicate the experience.)

I feel that I have a “love affair” with the written and spoken word now it seems it is happening with numbers; I love it, isn’t it great to be alive!!!!