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Re: How in control are we, really?

Re: How in control are we, really?2010-10-04T10:40:26+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community How in control are we, really? Re: How in control are we, really?


Post count: 119

I want to ask you a few things, a lot of things actually!

Maybe to clarify your story to me, maybe to clarify your story to you?


Why do you need to change your behavior?

What exactly is causing the problems? (behavior?/ADHD?/Patrick’s sore toe?)

Whose problem is it, just yours?


What needs to be managed and who’s responsible?

Who’s putting the effort into it?

Is it your sole responsibility, or do you just feel like it is, because ‘it’s your disorder that’s the root of all evil’ ?


What do you want him to help you with?

What does he think you’re asking him to help you with?

are you on the same track:

Do you feel that he’s taking the right amount of responsibility and putting in the right amount of effort?

Does he feel that you are?