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Re: How to ask for patience

Re: How to ask for patience2010-10-03T08:32:58+00:00

The Forums Forums For The Non-ADD Relationships How to ask for patience Re: How to ask for patience


Post count: 14413

I have in my mind cam to a kind of solution on this ahhd thingie…

It is a computer software much much more sophisticated one as we can all agree..

It isn’t a illness in the way as like something more profoundly seen and otwarly diagnosed…

Why.. well it is in us.. It’s more than a illness it is something which controls us if we ain’t controlling it ourselves..

Some need medications to get it contolled.. some don’t.. or some are in the between..

I haven’t used meds because i have not got the diagnose yet.. I try to see how long i can take this before medication is more than needed…

Or better said.. when i get myself getting it…

When we are kids we are coming to the personalities which all in the terms in normality are doing.. in the childhood there isn’t so much harm of it… but when when others came to address you to be different you may start acting like one.. forgetting that school is different than home environment.. you shouldn’t be yourself but in terms others pount to you… And when you don’t do as said…. well crash bum bang…

We are thoughtful.. we have innerself which likes to be regulated by others but not by ourself.. Why..? because who likes to be bossed by oneself… when someone who is your friend can do it much better and it’s so much fun….

Growing and that can turn upside down… You seem to be bnossed by all the others when the only one you like youself to boss over you won’t do it anymore.. Says “It is wrong towards you…” and you can’t understand it… then you you just seem to be the outcast the one who doesn’t understand or you just isolate yourself from the others….

Well.. this should be short one but i surely try to make it be kind of lecture ssooorryy…

Yes.. that frist two sentences from tymcmurray.. everyone else and me.. always others and me.. against others.. the one not understood right..

if one waits others to understand just the thought of understanding there cannot be understanding in anyway..

Why? When one wait others tpo understand what you should understand first before others it is the circle which doesn’t end before someone says.. “This ain’t right… this ain’t fair..” If one likes to be understood one has to say/do/wait/.. like seeing things from a mirror when one understands oneself.. others don’t need to anymore… because when one is one and not in two’s it is whole.. and it can be understood better than being half sided…

When one reflects the thought tpo others of getting understood it is onesef which is saying to undersnat it.. because when one understands innerself and it’s ways.. then one can come to terms how to share it.. and to what extent.

All the best for ya…