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Re: How to choose an ADHD coach

Re: How to choose an ADHD coach2010-12-02T19:21:29+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments How to choose an ADHD coach Re: How to choose an ADHD coach


Post count: 14413

Just my first post, saw on pbs. I am interested in getting as much free coaching as possible, any tips, specific little tricks etc. I am determined to make it as a full time artist/painter which is hard enough for Non-ADD’s never-mind me. As usual it took me an hour to write and rewrite while I type this, Mind racing, ideas, deleting deleting again and again, but I refuse to beat myself up about it anymore I get beat up enough because of my condition, My anxiety has subsided since I have decided to give myself the gift of acceptance. I realized that we are faced with 10 x the discouragement the average non add person has to face each day.. My self talk has changed from abuser to advocate. I am so nice to me now, forgiving, never feeling guilty or bad….so cool. It is actually reducing the frequency of the losing things, forgetting things, dazed and confused.