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How to choose an ADHD coach

How to choose an ADHD coach2010-11-30T13:38:28+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments How to choose an ADHD coach

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  • #88658

    Post count: 58

    My neuropharmacologist/psychiatrist (aka Dr. Feelgood) suggested I hire an ADHD Coach. While it was a good idea, she hadn’t any specific referrals for me. I looked on line and found some folks who look okay. I spoke with one and she seemed great, but what does folks “credentials” matter? I’m not really sure what I “need” and my “want” (to get my sh*t together) is too undefined.

    Thanks for your suggestions.


    Patte Rosebank
    Post count: 1517

    There are some postings here, and in the Blog section, on what to look for in an ADHD coach, and what to expect from coaching. Poke around until you find these postings. They should answer some of your questions.


    Post count: 14413

    Just my first post, saw on pbs. I am interested in getting as much free coaching as possible, any tips, specific little tricks etc. I am determined to make it as a full time artist/painter which is hard enough for Non-ADD’s never-mind me. As usual it took me an hour to write and rewrite while I type this, Mind racing, ideas, deleting deleting again and again, but I refuse to beat myself up about it anymore I get beat up enough because of my condition, My anxiety has subsided since I have decided to give myself the gift of acceptance. I realized that we are faced with 10 x the discouragement the average non add person has to face each day.. My self talk has changed from abuser to advocate. I am so nice to me now, forgiving, never feeling guilty or bad….so cool. It is actually reducing the frequency of the losing things, forgetting things, dazed and confused.


    Post count: 14413

    ADDArtist I am Right there with ya!!!! Thank you for posting that! It made me wake a little and realize that I need to stop beating myself up. Thank you thank you!

    Unfortunately I don’t have any coach… free coaching ideas,but I’ll let you know if I come across any. I NEED one too!!! :)


    Post count: 4

    Iam new to this site. I have been told that I am harder on myself than others are . I am an adult 50ish and was never diagnosed ADHD I figured out ways to get by best I could in work, schools and life. It is very complicated and at time too difficult. I hope you find a coach whom works for you.

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