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Re: How to discuss meds for our son with my ADD unmedicated husband?

Re: How to discuss meds for our son with my ADD unmedicated husband?2012-08-28T18:45:17+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community How to discuss meds for our son with my ADD unmedicated husband? Re: How to discuss meds for our son with my ADD unmedicated husband?


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Thank you for the reply. I now accept that it is my husbands choice to take medication or not; as is my choice to determine how much I can take with the behaviors. I have made alot of changes to make life easier for him; taking over finances, limiting to do things to 2 no more than 3 things…happy if 1 gets done. I have accepted that he cannot help the random thoughts and will blurt, but have set limits to what acting on them I can tolerate. But for our son, what things will help him in the abscence of medication to manage in the classroom? At home, I guess I function as their medication by running around at picking up the pieces but I cannot help hime get thru the school day, and then he gets bullied by fellow students for being a goof off and in trouble with teachers as well. As for counseling, we were in marriage counseling when my husband started having his 3 affair, and that’s when I found out about the others. I have considered individual counseling again, but the common answer I have gotten from therapy is either live with it or leave. It is a very big deal to me to limit someone’s parenting but things like remembering to feed the kids when I am not there to take care of it can be a big thing for him to remember. It just plain hard thinking for two adults and two kids all the time and feeling like there is no back up. Thanks for listening to be whine. Its like this big elephant in the room that he wont talk about.