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Re: How to discuss meds for our son with my ADD unmedicated husband?

Re: How to discuss meds for our son with my ADD unmedicated husband?2012-08-29T14:26:54+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community How to discuss meds for our son with my ADD unmedicated husband? Re: How to discuss meds for our son with my ADD unmedicated husband?


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I appreciate the help. Last night I told my husband that our GP reviewed the questioniers that were sent out to our sons teachers at the end of the year and she is feels that he fits the signs of ADD and she would like to talk to us about about it. He looked at me for a moment, it was quiet and then he asked me if it was a new americas got talent. My bad, have to try again, no tv on. Im almost finished with Is it you, me or adult ADD and I’m going to read it again. There is just so much to take in about different ways to communicate to make it easier for my husband, son and I dont know yet daughter. Simple routines, no clutter to distract, short conversations, down times where its ok for them to zone out on an activity seem to keep them happy.