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Re: How to discuss meds for our son with my ADD unmedicated husband?

Re: How to discuss meds for our son with my ADD unmedicated husband?2012-08-29T14:47:38+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community How to discuss meds for our son with my ADD unmedicated husband? Re: How to discuss meds for our son with my ADD unmedicated husband?


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Kc5jck..thank you for those links..we had a teacher mention to us when our son wsa in 1st grade that she felt he may have ADD and I ignorntly said “no” he can focus on a task for hours at home…he doesnt fidget.. Now I get the hyperfocus, that he doesnt have to have both ADD and ADHD. For him, distractability and impulse control are the two biggies. And yes, it scares the hell outta me with him going into the teen years. Its hard enough to face peer pressure when you are a teen without ADD. Sports seems to wear him out and help him stay in line, for some reason highly prossesed foods ( more than 1 item) make it worse, and lack of sleep. Still adding to the list. Thank you for your help.