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Re: How to discuss meds for our son with my ADD unmedicated husband?

Re: How to discuss meds for our son with my ADD unmedicated husband?2012-08-28T18:03:20+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community How to discuss meds for our son with my ADD unmedicated husband? Re: How to discuss meds for our son with my ADD unmedicated husband?


Post count: 14413

Dawn….here are some thoughts…….for you.

Not all people with ADD need meds…….I for one do not take meds…….I did for some time, but no more, and my life is fine, and I have been married to the same woman almost 40 years and raised two fine ADD children. Be aware though….many others find great support in a regime of meds. Meds alone are not likely, an answer, there is no magic pill….they can be a great “leg up”….and a boost for some in mitigating some bothersome or problematic ADD traits. Understand, ADD is a condition that falls on a spectrum…… meaning that how ADD presents is likely going to be different for everybody….traits…strength of traits…frequency, triggers…all of that. There is no “one ADD”…people whose brain process(s) in an ADD mode are as different as snow flakes, also, many traits non-ADD people have, appear similar to ADD. It’s tricky so…..read, read, read, learn…..educate yourself FIRST.

Second is diagnosis…….getting a definitive yes or no from a medical professional is key!!! Reading and self-education now will be a huge asset if/when talking to a medical professional…….they are only as good as what you can feed them!!!!

Third is if you are having relationship issues…..I would urge you to see a professional counselor…..if you have to go on your own so be it, that might even be better, at least at first. An ADD counselor is not critical….. but the quality and cerebral ability of a counselor is. Issues are issues….and getting them vetted and developing understand and strategies from BOTH side of the relationship are critical.

So there is some food for thought…….not advise…..but things to consider. Hope that helps….
