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Re: Husband And Son With ADHD.

Re: Husband And Son With ADHD.2011-01-05T00:04:15+00:00

The Forums Forums For The Non-ADD It Runs In Families Husband And Son With ADHD. Re: Husband And Son With ADHD.


Post count: 14413

Cammy09, I’m reading an amazing book called “Is it You, Me or Adult ADD”. I would highly recommend it. It addresses a lot of the feelings & concerns you are expressing. My son, the one with ADD, is reading “So I’m not Lazy, Stupid or Crazy”. He & I have been discussing what we’re learning in each other’s “book”. One thing my son told me that he read was the AA stragegy of going through the 12 steps. That makes sense to me. Maybe your husband’s meltdown was his “rock bottom” . I’d suggest you both read the books & discuss what you learn. I think it’s helping us. Hang in there!