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Re: I feel lost and frustrated, not able to manage and control my life

Re: I feel lost and frustrated, not able to manage and control my life2010-12-10T03:51:40+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey I'm Cranky/Arguing/Frustrated I feel lost and frustrated, not able to manage and control my life Re: I feel lost and frustrated, not able to manage and control my life


Post count: 14413

I understand how you feel. I am an academic advisor at a college and now all of my coworkers and my supervisor, the Dean know about my ADD. It wasn’t like they couldn’t tell when I was all over the place. I have made mistakes, put my foot in my mouth, and done things that at times were disruptive. But… those folks know me and are supportive of me. They’ve encouraged me to ge help and I am now medicated and am workng on making changes. Things are getting better. There are still problems because I wll always have ADD, but I’m woking at it and putting one foot in front of the other. I’m also in recovery, so I have had to work on me before. This is just a different side to my journey. It’s “progress, not perfection.”